Sunday, June 2, 2013

Finnish podcast closed


We have launched a new magazine "Puhútaan suomea". This site is not active anymore.

Please visit the magazine site at:


Monday, January 21, 2013

005 - Finnish-Podcast.Net - Jos mulle tulisi lähtö linnaan

Presidentinlinna - Presidential Palace, Helsinki
Welcome to episode number five. This episode is based on a short dialog and the slight confusion caused by the word "linna".

It is everyday spoken Finnish. The vocabulary is quite simple, what makes it challenging is the speed of the conversation.

The episode is based on the radio show Anonyymit kotikiusatut radio show episode: Kotini on linnani. You need to subscribe in order to get access to the episode files. Please use the form on the right side. You can unsubscribe any time if you are not pleased with the quality of information you get.

If you are already subscribed, you will automatically receive the new episodes as soon as they are released.

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